Contemporary Poetry
1 min
Team Sweeper
Deb Casey
weightless on the ball our last defender
shifts her balance mid-stride lifting
like mercury spilt—smooth
cohesive power she rolls
mass over mo-
mentum scanning wide she drives
assessing roundly bright with sweat and spunk
mighty she glows leaning—gravity's center
slipping—left for a long cross pushing up
field fast to take back the next
pass that's what makes her
not just muscle & moves & all-
over awareness it's how she gets precisely
where you'd want her now + next—at once—mother
of a kicker booming the ball she sees
each one of us: keen on her team.
Such hustle. I wonder—remember
how badly we need Thunder Thighs on the ball.
weightless on the ball our last defender
shifts her balance mid-stride lifting
like mercury spilt—smooth
cohesive power she rolls
mass over mo-
mentum scanning wide she drives
assessing roundly bright with sweat and spunk
mighty she glows leaning—gravity's center
slipping—left for a long cross pushing up
field fast to take back the next
pass that's what makes her
not just muscle & moves & all-
over awareness it's how she gets precisely
where you'd want her now + next—at once—mother
of a kicker booming the ball she sees
each one of us: keen on her team.
Such hustle. I wonder—remember
how badly we need Thunder Thighs on the ball.
This work was written by a Lane County author.
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